Zoning Board of Adjustment
Copyright © 2002-2023  Town of Madbury, NH.  All rights reserved.

The ZBA chair can be contacted by email through this address:  madburyzoning "at" gmail.com

The Zoning Board has meetings (as necessary) on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at the Town Hall.


To have a hearing scheduled for any given month, applications must be received by the third Tuesday of the previous month. The fee for a hearing is $50.00, plus $5 per abutter and a public notice ($25.00)

The ZBA's rules of procedure are available here.  Rev. 09/2018


Land Use Regulations  
Includes: Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Regulations, Site Plan Review Regulations, Building Regulations, Scenic Roads Designations, Tolend Landfill Overlay District, Schedule of Fees, Zoning Map-1963 as amended, Water Resources Map-June 14, 2005 as amended, Shoreland Protection Overlay District Map, Wet Areas Conservation Overlay District Map.


Special Exception Application

Variance Application


Special Exception Worksheet for Board use.

Variance Worksheet for Board use.

Zoning Board
Matthew Bacon, Chair March 2027
Sandra Heald March 2026
Heather Rivera March 2026
John Vanasco March 2026
Shanti Wolph, Vice Chair March 2025